Must Read Books

Spirituality books to disconnect connecting with yourself

At the request of several users close to the personal development team, we wanted to bring you a collection of books specifically related to spirituality. We hope you like it and that this is the first step towards a happier and more balanced life.

1. walk like a buddha

To start this compilation we present one of the simplest but most inspiring books that can be found Walk Like a Buddha by Lodro Rinzler.

Lodro Rinzler is one of the youngest and most popular Buddhist teachers to be found in our time.

His humorous and insightful answers to questions, ranging from how to forgive to how to deal with a difficult boss, have made him a spiritual but not religious figurehead. In this issue, he collects all of his columns for the  Huffington Post and a lot of material that has never been published.

If you need to disconnect, and connect with yourself, this is your book.

2. The Power of Now

Eckhart Tolle is a German spiritual leader, who does not belong to any religion or movement, who only seeks to teach us not to suffer, to manage pain, to live in the present, to educate the ego and attachment.

In The Power of Now he shows us that the only way to get in touch with our true self, with our essence, and avoid the chains that we unconsciously generate, is to live in the moment. The present moment, present. This exact second you are reading these words.

This interesting book is easy to read, thanks to the clarity of the message that Eckhart Tolle transmits, through a multitude of examples and metaphors, and as you progress through the book, his philosophy envelops you more and more, until you ask yourself: Why haven’t I read Tolle before?

3. Mindfulness

it, Jon Kabat-Zinn tries to make the reader experience a change of attitude when facing the daily routine, so that he can experience his life in an active, full and conscious way.

This self-help book is like a simple manual of practices, which includes, among others, powerful meditation and mindfulness techniques, to get the reader to return to his true nature, in which we feel like part of it, touch, smell, savor and enjoy what surrounds us at every precise moment.

If you think you need a wake-up call and a boost to live less projected in the future, this book is what you need. Kabat-Zinn will guide you through the transformation, teaching you to enjoy every second you have. You can acquire and learn more about this book through this link.

4. The trip to the Italian

Work that catapulted the rest of the books in this series by Carlos Castaneda, displaying an enormous ability for narration, has captivated a whole generation of people who are Searching for a renewal of spiritual teachings.

Thus, in these conversations, we face the path, the mystique of the warrior, and the strategy of the hunter – the human being who lives without routines, unpredictable for the meanings of others, flowing with the moment (showing certain parallels with the teachings of eastern zen). The zenith of these teachings is the art of stopping the world: an apprenticeship to conceive events as an emanation of spirit and not as a game of matter (which is how our mind represents the world).

5. The 7 spiritual laws of success

Following our literary mystical journey, we meet the spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra.

In this personal guide by Deepak Chopra on how we should live our lives (not just the spiritual part) to achieve the success, abundance, and happiness that we desire, we find valuable ideas that will undoubtedly influence our way of perceiving life.

It is the most interesting discovery we have made since Personal Development in this field, coming from a reader of the blog, and I personally recommend that, if you had to choose a book from this list, it should be this one.

6. towards inner peace

In this article, we have decided to make a more concise, but more precise compilation. The book we want to end with is by Thich Nhat Hanh, a Zen master, peace activist, and Nobel Prize nominee.

This book is like a toolbox that works from breathing techniques to the art of smiling, going through work, leisure, social and family relationships, money and politics. Thus, the great Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us how important the here and now is, and proposes a wide range of activities and attitudes that can change our lives, leading us to personal fulfillment, all based on mindfulness. Like the previous book, a book to always have on hand.

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