Must Read Books

6 books on self-improvement and positive psychology

In today’s article, we will talk about some books on positive psychology, growth psychology (also known as growth mindset ) and self-improvement, but first of all, we wanted to apologize.

It’s been a long time since our last entry, enough for even some of you to believe that we had abandoned the blog. The truth is that things accelerated frantically in 2019, and a lot of projects arose, some thanks to, and without realizing it, the team slowly deprioritized the work of maintaining the web in order to get to the rest of the responsibilities… After all, all of us collaborators are volunteers passionate about personal development who do not obtain any economic return from our work at
However, we are back, and we want things to change this year, the community and the team to grow, and to manage to diversify the type of projects in which we get involved.

As I said, in this article, we present 6 positive psychology books that have been recommended to us over the past year, that we have fiercely devoured, and that we believe are interesting to squeeze the most out of this year that we are beginning.

We hope you like it, and we will be attentive to your messages. Do not hesitate to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, if you have not done so yet, to be aware of the best personal development books.

1. A tortoise, a hare and a mosquito

This entertaining book will give you a different understanding of the fundamentals of the psychology of everyday life. Nacho Coller, through a series of narratives that include informative stories and personal reflections, offers us a bridge to what is essential, opening your eyes at once.

We know that avoiding unnecessary drama and knowing how to surround ourselves with what helps to make us happy is an art, and that is why a work like this one that reminds us that it is possible never hurts. It is interesting to note that the philosophy that Nacho presents us does not pretend that we settle in constant and utopian happiness, but accepts that our contexts are complicated and we are not perfect, and therefore the constant unalterable happiness is not realistic in the majority. of cases.

2. flow in business

One of the books on positive psychology linked to the world of work and business has stood out the most. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi exposes and applies his conclusions about the state of Flow (a state in which we find ourselves when we do something focusing 100% on it without realizing it, which commonly appears during our hobbies, but can be reached at work if the conditions are right). propitious) to apply it to the business world. This book mixes psychology, creativity and leadership, and if the reader reads it with a self-critical gaze, he will be able to take a few actions to apply to himself, related to happiness in everyday life.

3. The Happiness Trap

One of my favorite books on this subject. Showing certain similarities with the first book on this list, The Happiness Trap is a book that goes against the grain of most positive psychology books.

Russ defends that, many times, what keeps us away from happiness is our own effort to get closer to it. In this play. Through the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the author presents us with simple strategies and exercises with which we can learn to accept life with its multiple imperfections and thus allow ourselves to be carried away by its constant flow. Highly recommended reading.

4. Habits of a happy brain

In this excellent book, you can learn what is the logic behind the appearance of those moments of euphoria and psychological well-being that invade us from time to time, what is the chemistry of the brain that produces them and why we experience these kinds of experiences as we do. we make.

Using the tools and knowledge that Loretta provides us in her pages, it is possible to stop focusing on the effect and focus on the causes, and thus identify and act when we are deviating.

5. Transform your brain with NLP

In case you had never heard, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) defends that it is possible to influence the human brain through a series of tools and practices based on language and behavioral programming. The origin of this discipline is to be able to influence others, and oneself, in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of life.

This book is focused on applying the knowledge of NLP to yourself, and although some of its strategies have not been scientifically proven, most people who begin to put its tools into practice say that the results are amazing.

6. Love yourself as if your life depended on it

We finish the list with this little book, which only talks about one thing, but which is just one of the things that we overlook the most: yourself. To love others, you must first love yourself. Love yourself as if your life depended on it teaches you to channel what makes you happy to empower it and get the best out of you.

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