Must Read Books

6 Books for inspiration and your better Future

Sometimes, we find a book that comes at the perfect time, that inspires us and fills us with energy.

Everyone has at least “one book”. It’s the one you take everywhere. When you move, take long trips, or the one you turn to when you need a little pep and peace of mind.

Whenever I can I recommend a series of books that for me are inspiring.

The list is headed by ” The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle.  I don’t know how many times I’ve given it away!

A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend about this topic, and we started looking at inspirational books from some of our friends.

In your case,  your star book  is:

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 

Undoubtedly one of the great authors of personal and professional development.  The truth is that any of his books become part of the medicine cabinet library of each one of us.

He decides to travel to the Himalayas, where he meets the  Great Sages of Sivana, who teach him the 7 virtues of enlightened living. He left you here some of his phrases:

When you decide to focus your mind on the goals of your life, the mind begins to discard what does not matter to focus only on what is important.

If you want to live a more serene and meaningful life, you must produce more serene and meaningful thoughts.

External success means nothing unless you have internal success.

Another of my best friends takes wherever she goes, the book:

Siddhartha by  Hermann Hesse.

It is a book recommended by today’s motivational authors.

It tells the story of  Siddhartha, the son of a  brahmin  (a man who dedicated himself to making sacrifices, praying, philosophizing, and meditating).

Since childhood, he shows the qualities of a great thinker.  So he goes through various stages, leading to losing himself and finding himself, finally attaining that Buddha-like perfection and inner peace. Here he left you some phrases:

It’s not about intelligence; (….) most men are like leaves that fall and flutter indecisively, (…) others are like the stars: they follow a fixed route, no wind reaches them.

For one of my friends (those you know far from home), an essential is:


Reinvent yourself Books

It is a book that encourages us to reinvent ourselves and create a better life through changes in thinking and beliefs that we have had since childhood.

To do this, he explains to us in a scientific way how the mind and emotions work. Any book by  Mario Alonso Puig is also easy to add to the medicine cabinet library.

Words open “emotional drawers” quickly and automatically. The type of “emotional drawers” they open depends on the experiences we associate with those words.

Remember that where your attention goes, your emotions and energy will go.

What makes most problems unsolvable is not the difficulty of the problem, but our sense of smallness in facing it.

Another of the star books, which more than one would recommend, is the one chosen by another of my friends:

Your Erroneous Zones,  by Wayne Dyer

It is a very popular book on the subject of personal development.  The doctor. Wayne Dyer is one of the greats. Any of his books will help you find yourself and get to know yourself.

In each of its chapters, an erroneous zone, or self-destructive behavior, typical of human beings, is commented on. It gives you in each of them, the reason for this behavior and a strategy to solve it.

It is not the experience of today that drives men crazy, it is the remorse for something that happened yesterday and the fear of what tomorrow may bring.

We continue with another essential book and recommended by another compi more, of this type of readings.

The four agreements,  by Miguel Ruiz.

His teaching comes from the  Toltec culture. In it, we are taught to eliminate those beliefs that limit us and replace them with others that make us free.

It shows us four basic principles and habits, turned into agreements that we will have with ourselves. A very magical book.

There is no reason to suffer. The only reason you suffer is that you decide so. 

“Use words appropriately. Use them to share the love. Use white magic starting with you. BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD”

But if you don’t take things personally you will be immune to all poison even if you find yourself in the middle of hell.”

I finish this first post related to inspiring books, with one of my books (and some of my friend’s) “sacred”.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Inspiring, motivating, and realistic,… it makes you put aside that victim role and invites you to be responsible for your life.

It is not an easy book if you are not used to reading this type of reading. It speaks to us about the  Ego and the  Being.

And many more things that make you connect with your inner being. It’s everything I needed the instant it came into my hands.

Your personal story is your identity. The ego runs your life. Her entire sense of identity is invested in him. Even their often unsuccessful search for an answer, solution, or healing becomes part of the drama.

You accept; and then act. Accept whatever is in the present moment as if you had chosen it. Always work for the moment, not against it.  This will miraculously transform your life.

I have read all the books that have been mentioned in the post and of course, I recommend them without any doubt. There are some important ones left unnamed, but they will appear in a future post. I promise!

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